Sunday, December 6, 2009

Who are the Stick People?

We first started seeing the stick houses a few years ago. They started simply enough. I thought them cute, even playful, the dedicated musings of someone eccentric with too much time on their hands.

As time passed the structures became more and more elaborate. The complexity of the work was truly beautiful. It became obvious that whoever was making them was investing hours upon hours into their creation. I began to wonder who was doing this. No one was ever there when I was, no matter what time of the day I got there. I began to feel the odd combination of curiosity and being creeped out.

I mean, did people sleep here? Although this was supposed to be public land I felt like I was intruding. All the same time I wanted to investigate more. These structures are not limited to one area. We find them everywhere in the deepest area's of San Francisco's park land. Is it a group? Do they know each other? Is it all one person who just gets around? What is really going on here?

Until recently, even though the structures were getting more elaborate, they never were much larger than 3 or 4 feet tall. Recently, the structures have been getting larger, the workmanship grander. We have been finding more and more of them. Look at the size of this one. Mesa is a really large german shepard. Here, she is dwarfed by it.
This one is about 8 feet deep on the inside.

Here is another large one in an early stage of construction.

Finally, here is one that has been there long enough for a layer of green ivy to grow over it, nearly concealing it completely to the naked eye. The only thing that gives it away is whoever is usig it chose fresh sticks to cover the door. How many bugs live in the roof of this structure? Knowing that much, who would go inside it?

I find these structures so interesting that I have chosen to not reveal their location for fear that if I did, the park police would destroy them in an effort to stop vagrants from living here. I think this phenomenon is one of the most interesting things I have found in all the doglands.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Found in Nature

Whenever my human and I come across something in nature that seems a little odd she usually takes a photo of it. Here are a few examples of some of the things that I mean. This isn't the extent of it. I am saving some of the better ones to be the subject for future posts.

For instance, we found this in Golden Gate Park almost all the way out by the beach. What kind of mushroom is this? There are three distinctly brilliant colors, and it is striped. We looked on the web for other examples like this and did not find any. It it edible? We don't know. Neither of us were willing to test it.

Then there is this...

We found this in the Presidio by an abandoned army bunker. Is it just me, or does it look like wooden human toes sprouting up from the ground?

Now check this out...

She took this shot with her camera phone, so it is a little hard to see. Just so you know what you are looking at here, that retaining wall is larger than most people are. See the white part capping the pile of mulch? That ain't snow. That is a giant spider web.

We took a long shot so you could understand the scale of it. The actual web is probably over 20 square feet large, but to get a photograph of all of it we would have had to walk out onto the wood chip pile. Was kind of spider or spiders made such a large web? We weren't going to get close enough to find out.